
Serving wide array of products treating each and every kind of disorders an maintaining good health.

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Product Discription Pack
FEBUSIL-40 Tab. 10x10 [BLISTER] Febuxostat 40mg
HEXISIL Oral Rinse 100ml Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.2%w/v, Chlorbutol (As preservative) 0.1%w/v
HYDRO Syp. 100ml Disodium Hydrogen Citrate 1.53Gm/5 ml
La-Mute Syrup 30 ml Triclofos Sodium 500mg/5 ml
LOCOZ-6 Susp. 30ml Deflazacort 6mg. SUSP./5 ml
LOCOZ-6 Tab. 10x10 [ALU. STRIP] Deflazacort 6mg
SETISET Syp. [DPCO] 30 ml Ondansetron 2mg/5 ml
SETISET-MD Tab. [DPCO] 10x10 [ALU. STRIP] Ondansetron 4 mg. Mouth dissolving Tab
SILGRAIN TAB 10x10 [BLISTER] Flunarizine 10mg
SYNOLIV Syp. (Ayurvedic) 200 ml Delicious Flavored Hepatobillary Regulator and Liver Tonic For The Family
VERTICO-16 Tab. 10x10 [BLISTER] Betahistine 16 mg
VERTICO-8 Tab. 10x10 [BLISTER] Betahistine 8 mg